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Bethel Deliverance International Church

Bethel Institute for Biblical Studies




We endeavor to provide biblically-centered instruction throughout the diaspora of Christian thought, empowering and directing the body of Christ back to the message that the Lord Jesus Christ taught. We further endeavor to engage the culture through dynamic teaching of the principles, practices, and protocols of the Kingdom of God.


At (BIBS) we are committed to teaching the principles for Christ Centered growth, reflecting the character of Christ and expressing the love of God, through clear and objective instruction from the Word of God (2Timothy 3:16) Challenging seekers and scholars to critically examine their belief system by and through the lens of scripture.


To inspire and equip the believer with enough knowledge ofGod to live a life pleasing to God. Through the scriptures and lesson plans, God is revealed. Therefore, better insight into His ways and character is obtained. God encourages us to know Him. (Jer. 9:23-24)


Our staff consists of Spirit-led instructors who are committed to excellence. These dedicated Christians are sincere in their desire to teach Bible doctrine. They volunteer their talents and gifts to the ministry of teaching for the well-being of mankind.



Our curriculum consist of classes from Basic Bible for our new Christians to a study of Books of Daniel & Revelation for the more seasoned Christian.

Ministry Leadership: Cornell McCoy or Dr. Douglas A. Powell

Voicemail Extension: Ext. 310 for Dr. Powell

Bethel Institute for Biblical Studies is pleased to announce open registration for Zoom Bible Engagement Class: "Lord, You Are My Strength." This 5 week online course will be taught by Pastor Norman Bishop.

If you would like to register, please visit Bethel Institute for Biblical Studies. If you have further questions, please call (215) 885-2585 x310.