"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."
Colossians 3:23-24
Altar Care Workers: Provides the immediate support needed for those who have come to the Lord during or after services. This group of workers support the “New Believers” and/or “Recommitted Individuals”, with the foundational understanding of what has recently occurred through the “Gift of Salvation”. Bibles and support materials are given to help sustain and navigate the new believer through the initial stages of their salvation. This is their initial stage of follow up.
In House Telephone Evangelism Ministry: “In House Evangelism” means that the individual has been evangelized; now the additional support is needed. This is done through a series of telephone follow-up calls, providing assistance in the growth of their new position in Christ Jesus. This ministry’s primary goal is to Encourage, Equip and Empower, all individuals in their decision to trust Christ, to learn how to sustain their position in Him. Prayer is an essential part of this support ministry; as this team prays with and for those we serve.
Door-to-Door Follow-Up Ministry: Sometimes a telephone follow up call is not enough. This team of workers will help take it to the next level, and yes we will come to those who need an additional reinforcement, and support, by way of a home follow-up visit. The goal here again is to work in conjunction with In-House Telephone Evangelism Ministry, to stabilize the new and/or recommitted believers. Resource materials, foundational Bible study and understanding, and prayer have a vital role with this team. (Currently inactive, under reconstruction).
“S.T.O.P.” Sunday and Saturday Outreach Evangelism Ministry: “Sent To Openly Proclaim” the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These teams of mission-minded men and women, filled with compassion, are ministering to those where hope has been lost. Taking it to the streets is exactly what they do; reaching into the community corners, streets, and door-to-door witnessing, delivering His message of love. They provide tracts, Bibles, prayer, give encouragement, and other resources while offering Christ as an alternative to every situation. This team also provides “Street Services”, community outreach thrusts, and helps to support community block parties. Wherever the opportunity presents itself, you will find this dedicated team of workers communicating the love of God.
“Laborers of Mercy” Nursing Home Ministry (L.O.M.): Extending the love of Jesus to the brokenhearted, feebleminded and restoring hope to those who feel hopeless. This team of compassionate women go into various nursing homes in the Philadelphia and surrounding counties, extending the Hand of God through songs/worship, His Word, and His fellowship, while offering companionship, and a source of strength and hope to many of our elderly that have been forgotten, betrayed, abandoned and are sick.
Prison Ministry: (M.P.M. men’s prison/W.P.M., and women’s prison): This team of devoted men and women are prepared like the Marines; committed, dedicated and ready to go and take the love of God and the Message of the Gospel into the men’s and women’s facilities, to minister to those incarcerated in the prison system. English/Bilingual Bibles and tracts, songs, Scripture, “Daily Bread” booklets, and prayer are the vital tools used by this team.
Women’s Alternative Network (“W.A.N.”): Women ministering to women in transitional/correctional and rehabilitation houses. “WAN” spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ, provides Biblical, social and educational encouragement for the women they serve. This team conducts life application Bible studies, workshops, coping skills, and seminars to help support and improve the quality of life, for these women. Ultimately, the goal is to stabilize these women in transition while introducing them to the love and care of Jesus Christ.