Bishop Eric A. Lambert Jr, is committed to influencing the culture with Christ by preaching the Gospel and teaching the Word of God through the Media Outreach Ministry of Bethel Deliverance International Church. It is Bishop Lambert's desire that the people of God grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and understand how Jesus can encourage, heal, deliver, and give them a more abundant life.
Climbing Higher TelevisionFRIDAYS at 11:30 Am ____________________________________________WBPH Channel 60Sunday 7:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 AM The Christian & The Culture talk show Monday and Thursday | 7:30 AM Thursday | 8:00 PM Friday | 10:00 PM *NEW* WFMZ Channel 69 Sundays | 12:30 PM
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Climbing Higher RadioGospel Highway 11Tune in on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 12:30 PM _____________________________________________ Philadelphia's Christian Radio WFIL 560 AMSundays 1:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 4:30 AM & 3:30 PM